Whenever we make a list of fancy goods, Hermès has always been the topmost choice of women. From lifestyle accessories to leather goods, jewelry, perfumes, and handbags, Hermès has created a legacy in the pool of luxury brands.
The luxury handbags of Hermès came into existence in 1837 in Paris. Mostly demanded by all the fashion-enthusiastic women from all around the world, Hermès handbags are important to have in the wardrobe for those who prefer luxury.
The price of this bag ranges from $8000 and above. In fact, the price reaches above $100,000 for premium and exotic animal skin bags. But make sure to have a detailed eye on all the specific characteristics of the Hermès bags to identify the authenticity of the bags.
Before getting the Hermès bags, check on the below pointers to spot the difference between the authentic and copied product. You can completely rely on the below facts for Hermès authentication.
Hermès Birkins Bags
The elite series of Hermès Birkin handbags are the most wanted luxuries on the list of fashion lovers. The Birkin Family, Heritage Leather, and Birkin 3-en-1 are the most famous designs of this series.
Hermès Birkin bags debuted by the company in 1984 after getting inspiration from the actress Jane Birkin who complained to the executive of the company, Jean-Louis Dumas, back then on a flight.
So, Hermès came out with the Birkin bags keeping in mind the bag that is not only luxury but a series of spacious bags that would help you carry your daily needs.
Hermès Kelly Bags
This bag debuted in 1930 and was designed as a trapezoid with two triangular gussets, a cutout flap, two side straps, and a handle. The bag was named Kelly after the Hollywood star Grace Kelly.
She holds the bag for a photograph, and the bag received international recognition and fame and so named after her by the owners in 1950. Kellywood, The Kelly family, and Kelly Depeches are the famous designs of the Kelly series.
As counterfeit Hermès bags are mushrooming their roots in the market, it is always important to check Hermès’ authenticity.
Always keep a detailed eye on the Hermès hardware, which includes zippers, clochette, lock, and hardware plate in which detailing of the brand name is available.
Measuring their size is the best way to authenticate the Hermès bags. Moreover, Kelly bags are available in small to large sizes. Kelly 15 and Kelly 20 come under the most trendy bags, Kelly 35 is the medium, and Kelly 50 comes under large bags.
Hermès Picotine
Inspired by the Horse feed bags, Picotine bags of Hermès is next on our list of top favorites. This bag has a youthful look and is completely aligned with stitching.
Hermès Picotine is in the shape of a basket and has a very natural style. This bag can carry all the necessary items and has a lock closure.
Coming in various colors with gold hardware, picotine is a perfect option for those looking for a casual look.
Hermès Jige Elan Clutch
A perfect and small size clutch with its signature H leather on the bag makes this Jige Elan clutch one of the most versatile collections of Hermès.
This bag is named after the son-in-law of Emily Hermès, Jean Guerrand. It is a perfect Hermès handpiece to carry a small wallet, credit and debit cards, and a phone.
Hermès Garden Party Tote
Coming in the sizes Garden Party 30, 36, 39, and 49 Voyage, this Hermès handbag is one of the most durable bags. For those who want to try the Hermès bags for the first time, then Hermès Garden Party is all they need to try.
It has a perfect room for carrying all the necessities of the bag. Hermès Garden Party Tote is the real deal for a beachy and casual feel.
Hermès Evelyne Messenger
This bag is an ideal choice for those who like to travel in style. With its authentic Hermès equestrian design, this bag comes in 4 sizes mini, medium, large, and extra large.
Hermès Evelyne is a perfect balance between beauty and style and is also one of the favorites on our list.
Hermès Bolide
A perfect amalgamation of classic beauty and function, this Hermès bag is perfect for luggage and sports car. It has a removable shoulder strap and a round shape and is manufactured in two styles, the Rigide and the Mou.
The Bolide is sturdy and comes in four sizes. Bolide Mini, 27, 31, 35, and 45 are the sizes available in this style.
Hermès Lindy
The next in our favorites is the very casual and relaxed Hermès Lindy, which is named after dancer Lindy Hop in the 1920s.
Hermès Lindy is very versatile and has a shoulder strap with two exterior pockets and two zip closures on the top. This bag is available in sizes Lindy Mini, 26, 30, 34, and 45.
Hermès Monsieur
Decorated with graphic cuts, this bag offers tribute to the artistry of the leatherwork. Each piece under the Monsieur is unique, and the colors used are exquisite.
These bags are specifically designed in France and are made of calfskin. Hermès Monsieur is all you need to carry all your necessities in one bag.
Hermès Boucle Sellier
Nothing is prettier than holding an evening bag by Hermès. Boucle Sellier is a perfect piece with a sleek and slim design.
This bag is created from a single piece of leather, and the metalworking is very much inspired by the Sellier bracelet series of 1946. The unique color and design of this bag are simply marvelous.
Hermès Sellier bag is only available in the clutch and is perfect for carrying for an evening party.
Bottom Line
We have compiled all the best options that we believe Hermès handbags offer. All you need to keep in mind is the details of Hermès authentication. And for that, it is best to opt for the Hermès Birkin Authentication Service to make sure you are not duped by the seller.
Remember that every product has a signature feature that makes it unique and stands out from its counterparts. So, make sure you know these if you own an original Hermès Handbag.