Hopeless Romantic is a term we often use for people acting like romantic movie characters. To be honest, How many times have you made fun of your friends for saying something cheesy to their partners? Quite a few times, right? But it is essential to know the meaning of hopeless romantic meaning first.
Well, it is okay to make fun of each other when it comes to friendship, but you can be one of those hopeless romantics that you make fun of. Don’t you believe us? Well, you will soon.
This article is about that only. There are some signs of being a hopeless romantic that you might be ignoring in you. However, it is very natural to be a hopeless romantic.
But the real problem is when you cannot recognize your traits, and it starts harming you.
It is essential to understand that when something is too much in your life, it becomes toxic, and being a hopeless romantic is the same. There is a very fine line between being a hopeless romantic and a passionate lover.
Both things are positive but come with their own shortcomings. Let’s know more about it.
Hopeless Romantic Meaning: Definition
Hopeless Romantic meaning is simple and complex at the same time. To put it in simple words, a person who acts like the most romantic person in the world.
A believer in the conventional rules of romance like taking their partners on beautiful dates, writing poetries for them, being clingy, and thinking about them all the time.
Now, you must be thinking that it is something good. What is wrong with it? Well, there is nothing wrong, but being a hopeless romantic sometimes hurts the person because it determines their feelings and behavior.
If you are suffering from an unsuccessful dating life, it might have something to do with being a hopeless romantic. Read the signs to analyze yourself before getting into your next relationship.
Too Much For Their Partners
Hopeless romantics are those people who always get rejected by their romantic partners for being too much for them. When we say that they are too much, their energy often does not match their partners.
They are the drivers of the relationship. Whenever they fall in love, they tend to make it just like the movies, and sometimes the other person involved in the relationship is not interested in this.
Because being in love and acting in love are two different things. Different people have different ways of showing their love, and hopeless romantic people find it very difficult to be with those who are not one.
They often consider the behavior of their partners as cold. They assume that the other person isn’t in love with them, which leads to insecurities, ultimately causing their partners to feel overburdened by the feelings of the other and leave them.

Overly Passionate
The easiest way to describe hopeless romantic meaning is to use the term overly passionate. Being passionate about your partner is good, but it is definitely problematic when you are not sure whether this passion is going to always be there.
In most cases, it is seen that these types of people don’t take much time to fall in love. It can take only a few days for them to make promises of being together forever. But sometimes, it is not love, and they fail to recognize it.
Later, their passion and all the spark die, leading to the other person’s disappointment.
It is natural that the spark we feel at the beginning of our romantic relationships does not stay there forever. Slowly, responsibilities and real-life aspects kick in. But it does not mean that the love is dead.
Couples started finding a balance between their romance and responsibilities. Yes, it is true that this journey of finding balance leads to conflicts but eventually, they get sorted out.
But the problem with hopeless romantics is that they also overthink in these kinds of situations and start keeping their distance from their partners.
Over Optimistic About Love
Being optimistic is good but finding the good in something terrible is very problematic.
To put it in a very rustic situation, suppose your partner has done something horrible to you, like cheating on you with your best friend or manipulating you in different ways.
But instead of taking a step, you are just considering the good things about them, like how many times they have bought you flowers, taken you out on a date, or made love to you.
Considering the good is necessary but not always.
One should possess the capability to recognize what is bad for them. Hopeless romantics fail to do so.
Moreover, they let their partners abuse and manipulate them to a greater extent. Why? Because they are so in love with the good memories, they often tend to ignore the changing situation and live in the hope that everything will become just like before.
Sometimes, it does, but in most cases, it does not. A person who is not a hopeless romantic tries to think logically in this situation and recognize that they are being mistreated. As you know, recognition is the first step to solving a problem.
Having No Boundaries
Having boundaries is a very important trait when it comes to a romantic relationship. A person who is unsure about what they need from a partner or even from a relationship often gets confused and welcomes toxic things.
It is better to understand this point by looking at some celebrity relationships. If we look at the relationships with Taylor Swift, it is pretty clear that she is also a hopeless romantic.
How? Taylor Swift is very romantic, a person who likes to write songs about her lovers and pamper them.
If you are a fan and follower of her, you will realize that she had been in several relationships which didn’t last for long. They weren’t able to match her energy when it came to love. Moreover, she didn’t have any boundaries, making her fall for toxic guys.
A person needs to create boundaries about their needs and strictly follow them.
But hopeless romantics don’t have any because they still believe in the conventional concept of love, where compatibility, differences, and preferences do not matter.
They solely believe that love just happens.

Thinking About the Future Too Quickly
You know, sometimes, other people don’t hurt us but our own expectations. Something similar happens to hopeless romantics again and again. They just can’t stop doing it. It is something that they have been doing since the very beginning.
Moreover, they find nothing wrong with it. Sometimes, they judge people on the basis of this particular trait, and that is of, thinking about the future.
Thinking about the future is not something wrong, but time plays a crucial role in this. Going on a date with someone for the very first time and then daydreaming about your marriage with them is not something mature and reasonable.
We are not saying that you need to think about the break-up first, but it is also essential to check whether the person is on the same page or not.
Suppose you feel for a person, and in your head, you have already started planning your marriage, but after a few days, you get to know that they are not even thinking about it. You feel betrayed, right?
This is something that makes you a hopeless romantic. You need to consider your partner’s thoughts as well before thinking much.
Imagining Things That Can’t Be Necessarily True
Hopeless Romantics are huge daydreamers. Sometimes they just imagine things on their own and expect their partners to do the same. Suppose that you imagined your partner giving you flowers, but he didn’t do that.
What would be your first reaction? You would be very upset, right? But you cannot be upset over someone who didn’t even know what he had done. You just imagined that he was giving you flowers, didn’t tell him, right?
This is one of the biggest problems with hopeless romantics. They enjoy living in their imaginary world and try to turn it into a reality that is never going to happen. When it is about yourself or your actions, you can.
But when another person is involved, you cannot impose your imagination on them. Thinking about events that have no connection with reality will only harm you in the end.
Though you might say that you just do it for fun and it has nothing to do with your partner, you are just lying to yourself only. We imagine what we like, and it is something that we can control.
This imagination comes when you are ruled by your emotions.
Being Ruled By Emotions
Having emotions is not something bad, but being ruled by them can have some dire consequences that might hurt you. Has someone described you as “too emotional?” If yes, there are chances that you are a hopeless romantic.
Hopeless romantic meaning can be interpreted by saying that the person is too emotional. It is the situation when you just trust your emotions which can be short-term and deceiving.
“Love is not Enough.” You have seen every motivational speaker or dating coach saying this. Though you might disagree, it is actually true. In any relationship, it is better to look at the situation from a logical point of view.
From the logical point of view, we mean that when you are out on a date, try to think about your boundaries and preferences.
There is no need to consider the person just because he opened the car door for you or cried in front of you.
There are other more important things in a relationship, like respect, vision, compatibility, and many more. So, the best way to get over it is to train your logical mind.
Unrealistic Ideas About Your Partner
How often have you thought this is not the person I loved? Sounds pretty dramatic, right? Well, it has nothing to do with the person but you.
Yes, it is very accurate that humans change each day. But seeing a drastic change in a few days is not called changing but you getting to know them properly.
Hopeless romantics often don’t fall in love with the person but the idea they have about them. It all happens because of their imagination power.
They often build a specific idea about their partner, which looks more like a movie character than a human being who has flaws in reality. When the other person does not act according to the imagined things, they get hurt.
One fundamental rule about getting to know a person is considering their actions more than their words.
So next time you meet someone, try to keep your head as clean as possible and draw your person’s personality on the basis they treat you. Remember, it is not about how they could be but about how they are.

This article was intended to make you understand where to draw a line. If you are a hopeless romantic, don’t be ashamed of yourself. Love is a very good thing like nobody else could have ever done.
But at the same time, it is also essential to protect yourself and recognize whether your love is being valued or not. The moment you are able to recognize yourself, it will be a lot easier for you not to fall for anybody.
So, compare yourself with all the points mentioned above and see if you are also one of them. Yes, keep a balance. Hopeless romantics also suffer when it comes to getting over someone they dated, so here you go – How to Get Over a Breakup: 14 Steps to Heal Faster & Be Stronger.